Ogochukwu Chidiebere Nweke is an African from Nigeria. He’s a lawyer, a life coach, a public speaker and a relationship consultant.

He is the founder and CEO of the Relationship Health Center. He is a trained ADR professional with particular interest in mediation and negotiations. 

He believes that every relationship is capable of working once they are founded on the right information and expectations.

Ogo as he is affectionately called by his associates, holds the view that culture plays an important role in the ability of a relationship to thrive and recommends always that people in relationships do not only recognize and apply their cultural standards to their relationships, but also should create traditions for their relationships.

He believes that relationships whether in private or public/corporate life must be prepared for and nurtured through knowledge acquisition. To this extent, he provides training to people who are interested in making their relationships work.

He is a regular panelists on TV and radio shows in Ghana where he is based. He also speaks at religious, secular, academic and corporate circles on various aspects of relationships. 

He is also the convener and lead counsel at The Marriage Clinic.

We are available for training and consultancy both for private, family, public, corporate, community relationships and seminars.