So I had a fight with a good friend last night, who feels I don’t listen well enough when it comes to rest. She insisted I listen to a certain musical compilation which she paid a loooooot of money to put together for me from a studio in the US. Every song came with a voice over introducing the singer with a short bio.
So many great oldies were in the compilation. Songs I told her my father used to enjoy a lot before his passing. Great songs… really great songs. The sound was so crispy, you would hear every instrument, every note, you could hear the singers very clearly and I found myself laughing at me and understanding why my dad would have a good laugh listening to me sing, adding the strangest words to the song when I am uncertain about what the singer was saying…
When I didn’t feel ready for a song that was dropping, I just clicked NEXT… Then the Dj introduced #Rihanna – song: #Unfaithful. Rihanna? Well… When the song ended, I found myself playing it over and over again. Then I realised something:
Sometimes, a breakup, no matter how painful, heartbreaking, or painfully-heartbreaking it might be, could be the best thing to ever happen to you. Sometimes people break up with you because they have come to realise that you are better off without them.
Stop trying to save the life of something that ought to die. Stop trying to mend what should stay broken. Instead of exerting so much energy brooding in pain over a loss that is full of gains, exert your energy to hurt, heal and move on. Mourn for that relationship now, and move on with your beautiful life, with less stressful drama.
And if you are in a relationship with someone who you know will be better off without you, don’t wait for them to see you are not good enough for them, ’cause they might never see it. Don’t stay any longer. Besides, staying is tearing you apart as well. You are living a life full of guilt and lies – can’t you see you are dying too? Can’t you see you are crushing yourself in little tokens and losing whatever is left of your self-worth? Be good to two of you. Walk away… Let them thank you later.
See love as rain – Even when it stops raining, the rainy season will come again, and it will rain on you. This is better than wasting your time in the shower in the make-belief that it’s raining on you.
Still listening to UNFAITHFUL by Rihanna…